Important Commands In Linux

Chapter: Linux Commands Last Updated: 24-08-2023 17:40:36 UTC


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Important commands in linux with examples
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ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
Example: ls -l

cd: Change the current directory.
Example: cd /path/to/directory

pwd: Print the current working directory.

mkdir: Create a new directory.
Example: mkdir new_directory

rm: Remove files or directories.
Example: rm file.txt or rm -r directory

cp: Copy files or directories.
Example: cp file.txt /path/to/destination

mv: Move (rename) files or directories.
Example: mv old_file.txt new_file.txt or mv file.txt /new/directory

touch: Create an empty file.
Example: touch file.txt

cat: Display the contents of a file.
Example: cat file.txt

nano or vim: Text editors for creating or editing files.
Example: nano file.txt or vim file.txt

grep: Search for a pattern in files.
Example: grep "pattern" file.txt

chmod: Change file permissions.
Example: chmod 755

chown: Change file ownership.
Example: chown user:group file.txt

ps: Display information about running processes.
Example: ps aux

top: Monitor system processes and resource usage.

kill: Terminate a process.
Example: kill process_id

df: Display disk space usage.
Example: df -h

du: Display file and directory space usage.
Example: du -h file.txt

wget: Download files from the web.
Example: wget

scp: Securely copy files between hosts over SSH.
Example: scp file.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination

ssh: Securely access a remote server.
Example: ssh user@remote_host

tar: Compress or extract files and directories.
Example: tar -cvf archive.tar files/ or tar -xvf archive.tar

apt-get or yum: Package managers for installing software on Debian-based or Red Hat-based systems, respectively.
Example: apt-get install package_name or yum install package_name

systemctl: Control system services (systemd).
Example: systemctl start service_name

ifconfig or ip: Network configuration and information.
Example: ifconfig or ip addr show

Remember to always refer to the manual pages for these commands using the man 
command (e.g., man ls) to get detailed information about their options and usage.
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