Python Encode And Decode String With Key

Chapter: Python Last Updated: 24-09-2023 03:05:04 UTC


            /* ............... START ............... */

def caesar_cipher_encrypt(text, key):
    encrypted_text = ""
    for char in text:
        if char.isalpha():
            shift = 65 if char.isupper() else 97
            encrypted_char = chr(((ord(char) - shift + key) % 26) + shift)
            encrypted_text += encrypted_char
            encrypted_text += char
    return encrypted_text

def caesar_cipher_decrypt(encrypted_text, key):
    return caesar_cipher_encrypt(encrypted_text, -key)

# Example usage
plaintext = "Hello, World!"
key = 3

encrypted_text = caesar_cipher_encrypt(plaintext, key)
print("Encrypted:", encrypted_text)

decrypted_text = caesar_cipher_decrypt(encrypted_text, key)
print("Decrypted:", decrypted_text)

                /* ............... END ............... */


  • Encoding and decoding a string with a key in Python can be done using various encryption techniques, such as Caesar Cipher, Vigenère Cipher, or more advanced methods like AES encryption. Here, we will provide a simple example using a Caesar Cipher, which is a basic form of encryption.
  • In a Caesar Cipher, each character in the plaintext is shifted a certain number of places down or up the alphabet. To encode, you shift each character in the string by a fixed key value, and to decode, you shift it in the reverse direction.
  • In this example, the caesar_cipher_encrypt function takes a plaintext string and a key as input and returns the encrypted text. The caesar_cipher_decrypt function takes the encrypted text and the same key to decrypt it.
  • Keep in mind that the Caesar Cipher is not secure for modern encryption needs and is provided here for educational purposes. In practice, you should use more secure encryption methods, like AES, for sensitive data. Also, you may need to handle special characters, spaces, and other aspects depending on your specific use case.
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